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How do I setup my investment account?

You can setup your Investment Account on ET Money by following few simple steps:

  1. Tap on the top left corner on the home page of ET Money app and click on "Setup Now" beside Investment Account
  2. Choose the fund you want to start your investment and enter the amount you wish to invest
  3. Enter your PAN
  4. Enter your bank account number and upload bank proof (Cancelled cheque, bank statement or passbook), if asked
  5. Take your photograph
  6. Take your live video
  7. Provide your signature
  8. Upload your address proof (Aadhaar, DL, Voter id or Passport)

Once your form is complete, our team will work on getting your KYC verified. You will receive an email and notification updating you regarding your application status. Once your account is verified, your investment will get processed successfully.

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