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I want to add a new bank account

You can follow the below steps to add a new bank account:

  • Login to the ET Money app
  • Click on Profile section/icon at the top left corner
  • Click on "Bank Accounts"
  • Click on "Add new bank"

Follow the steps as guided on the app to add your new bank(s).

In order to add your bank account, you are required to upload ANY 1 of the following bank documents having clear narration of IFSC code, account number and your name. Please ensure all the details are printed on the document and not handwritten/missing to enable us to verify your details:

  • Bank statement (not older than 3 months)
  • Passbook
  • Cancelled cheque with pre-printed name

Please do not consider addition of a new bank account as the replacement of the older one in your already existing folios.

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