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Making better decisions starts with understanding yourself better.

Generate superior returns in a smarter way by knowing your investing behaviour.

Introducing ET Money's Investor Personality.


The key to unlocking a fortune:

Your personality.

Your emotions, intuitions and preferences determine your investing decisions. Investor personality analyses the factors that influence your financial behaviour, and helps you outperform by building a portfolio that matches your risk profile and personality.


Willing to take more risk than others, financially savvy with high degree of confidence.


Financially savvy and willing to take less risk than others, high degree of confidence.


High degree of confidence and are more willing to take risk than others.


High degree of confidence than others but are more risk-averse.


Above-average financial mastery, comfortable taking more risk than others, low overconfidence levels.


Above average financial mastery, low level of overconfidence, takes less risk than others.


Willing to take more risk than others despite their lower confidence and lack of financial expertise.


Low degree of confidence and are more risk-averse than others

A unique personality test designed by the best.

We have collaborated with Syntoniq, a leading international expert in Behavioural Economics, and formulated a unique personality assessment system. It analyses 3 critical factors to help you with your financial decisions.


Eliminate your Biases


Understand your Behaviour to size up your risk


Identify blindspots in your investing

Your checklist before you invest

The Investor Personality assessment reveals some key aspects about yourself that can help transform the way you invest and generate remarkably better returns.


Risk Score

The system analyses the factors affecting your decision making to give you a dynamic risk score, which tends to move within a range based on our biases, behaviours and blind spots.



This tells you about your decision making ability. Are you likely to make irrational decisions, can you take decisive action, and how likely would you stick to your decision.


Loss Aversion

It examines your psychological response to losing money and tells you the extent to which you avoid taking a risk. The higher your sensitivity to losses, more likely you are to avoid risks.


Financial Mastery

It lets you know how good you are with financial concepts. Do you have mastery over them, or are you still improving. And to what extent do you apply them to your investing.

Transform the way you invest

  • Set achievable targets
  • Know optimal time-frame for investing
  • Match portfolio to your personality
  • Confidently try new forms of investing

3,00,000+ assessments taken so far...

Take your Investor Personality assessment today and understand what influences you and why you make your financial decisions the way you do.